In case you are wondering how to pray the Examen, there are 5 Steps. First, recall that you are in the presence of God.
Second, look at the day with gratitude. As you reflect, give thanks to God for the gifts God has blessed you with.
Next, ask the Spirit for help in your reflection. Ask the Spirit to help you to clearly look at your respone to God's blessings in your life.
Fourth, review your day. Peer into your inner self and see what you have done and how you have behaved. Did you respond to God's grace with an open willing heart? Did you help your neighbor? Reflect and ask yourself self examining questions.
Take the answers to your reflective questions to the next step of the examen. Imagine Jesus with you either right beside you or face to face in eye-contact loving gaze. A

Soak in Jesus' forgiveness of your transgressions. See the joy Jesus experiences in the good things you have done.
Once you have spoken to Jesus about all that is in your heart and on your mind, end with an Our Father.
I highly recommend this practice of praying the Examen. I hope you enjoy it and are fulfilled in this practice in the same manner I have experienced it.