Thursday, September 23, 2010

Full Moon and Jupiter for company….

The full moon with the company of Jupiter lit my way as I traveled to work this morning. Like a white shiny marble, the full moon lit up the before-dawn darkness so much that I was tempted to turn off my headlights. The water of Manchac Pass glistened with the brightness of the moon and cast the cypress trees in holy silhouette. I felt and heard the sound of God’s “I love you” in this awesome early morning scene. And, I was consoled as I also heard, “I am with you.”
And so, my vehicle seemed to drive itself as God and I conversed. My heart and mind rested. Even though I wanted to stay atop the Pass Manchac Bridge to continue to listen to God and watch the movement of the full moon and light on the water, I continued to work ever mindful of God’s presence.
And, my heart smiled with my face as I read today’s Psalm because it’s message was so much on topic with my conversation with God when God spoke to me driving through the Manchac Pass cypress forest this morning.
Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain wisdom of heart…Ps90:12
Fill us at daybreak with your love, that all our days we may sing for joy.. Ps90:14
Let us pray for each other. Let us make each moment of each day count. Let us pass on the love and kindness of God following the example of Jesus and the guidance of the Spirit. Amen.

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